2023—2024 Iceland, Sardinia, Madeira, Gran Canaria
Rural and Remote Innovation

Remote and Rural Areas of Europe together

Connecting remote and rural areas of Europe together to learn and collaborate.

Project EUROPE aims to create a network among communities in remote and rural areas across Europe, seeking to analyze and identify the common challenges and issues they face in their respective islands. We want to promote a shared approach to address the societal changes that will be needed in the coming years and actively involve the population in these areas. Our goal is to ensure they don’t feel excluded by institutions but actively participate in the decision-making process.

Funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union
KA210 project in the field of Adult Education
 Project Code: 2022-2-IS01-KA210-ADU-000100294
Timeline: 01/01/2023 – 1/02/2025
Coordinator: Austan mána eh (East of Moon) [IS]
Consortium: Absentia [IT], OPEN IMPACT [IT], UNO [ES], CONSULTA EUROPEA [ES] Poiomar [PT]

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