
Mission-Oriented Innovation

Innovation to solve grand societal challenges.

Rural and Remote Innovation

Innovation, creativity and social development in remote and rural areas.

Work and/or Creativity

Creativity as work and challenges of creative workers.

Artistic Production

Production of films and other media and artistic outputs.


Fostering Innovation Ecosystems in Rural Iceland

A R&D project in collaboration with researchers, universities and entrepreneurs.

A software service to engage communities in mission-oriented innovation.

In Residence in the Arctic

A digital platform to connect remote communities in the Arctic with new residents.

Remote and Rural Areas of Europe together

Connecting remote and rural areas of Europe together to learn and collaborate.

Machine Workshop 1913

A short documentary about the machine worskhop in Þingeyri and its last machinist.

Satellites: Podcast on creativity and community

A discussion on ideas and affairs.

Seer and the Unseen

A feature length documentary East of Moon was a co-producer of.

Organising for Creatives

A series of workshops using methods of labour organising for creative people.

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