Mission-Oriented Innovation

East of Moon advocated for innovation as a way to solve important societal challenges. If innovation is defined as novel ways to create value, we believe value should not be seen narrowly in terms of economic growth only.

We approach innovation as a way for communities in invent futures and becomes agents in own destiny. The entrepreneurial state needs to play an important role in pushing the productive forces of the economy to create public value, but so do social movements, labour organisations, creative communities and hackers and inventors in general.

Co-creation platform
We develop a digital platform called missions.dev, which is designed to be a tool for communities to co-create solutions to societal challanges. It aims to be a framework that encourages horizontal sharing of challenges, ideas and projects, and brings people together throgh problems solving and creative collaboration.

Education, agitation
We engage in discussions and dissemination of the ideas of innovation for a public purpose via talks, workshops, interviews and educational processes. We engage communities to cultivate a creative attitude, work with public insitutions to embrace experimentation and courage towards uncertainty, and actively call out myths that present entrepreneurship as a mere function of venture capital.

Projects in Mission-Oriented Innovation

Innovation ecosystem visualization


A software service to engage communities in mission-oriented innovation.

mission Mission-Oriented Innovation

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